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2014Ching-Wen Wang, Chyuan Sha, & Po-Chang Lin,Employee problems and their consequences in the technology industry: evidence from surveys and counseling records,Psychological Reports,114(3), pp687~719(SSCI)
2014Lu Hsiao, Ying-Ju Chen,Return Policy: Hassle-Free or Your Money-Back Guarantee?,Naval Research Logistics,61(5), pp403~417(SCI)
2014Huang, R-T., Hsiao, C-H., Tang, T-W., & Lien,T-C,Exploring the moderating role of perceived flexibility advantages in mobile learning continuance intention(MLCI),The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning,15(3), pp140~157(SSCI)
2014Mingchang Chih*, Chin-Jung Lin, Maw-Sheng Chern, and Tsung-Yin Ou,Particle Swarm Optimization with Time-Varying Acceleration Coefficients for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem,Applied Mathematical Modelling,38(4), pp1338~1350(SCI)
2014張曼玲、鄭正豐,How balance theory explains high-tech professionals’ solutions of enhancing job satisfaction,Journal of Business Research,67(9), pp2008~2018(SSCI)
2014張曼玲,The individual and congruence effects of core self-evaluation on supervisor–subordinate guanxi and job satisfaction,Journal of Management & Organization,20(5), pp624~647(SSCI)
2014Tong Bao, Tung-lung Steven Chang,Why Amazon uses both New York Times Best Seller list and customer Reviews:an empirical study of multiplier effects on product sales from earned media,Decision support systems,67, pp1~8(SCI)
2014Tong Bao, Tung-lung Steven Chang,Finding disseminators via electronic word of mouth message for effective marketing communications,67, pp21~29(SCI)
2014Ku-Ho Lin*, Kuo-Feng Huang and Yao-Ping Peng,Impact of Export Market Orientation on Export Performance: A Relational Perspective,Baltic Journal of Management ,9(4), pp403-425(SSCI)