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2012Kao, Ching-Ling, Chao-Hsun Chen, Wei-Yun Lin, Yu-Ching Chiao, and Ching Liang Hsieh ,Effect of Auricular Acupressure on Peri- and Early Post-Menopausal Women with Anxiety: A Double-Blinded, Randomized, and Controlled Pilot Study,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine(SCI)
2012喬友慶*、蕭櫓、黃俊儒、廖仲威,廠商採取市場導向行為會有較佳的績效嗎?動態競爭觀點,台大管理論叢【國科會管一推薦之學術期刊】【聯電經營管理論文獎優等】,22(2), pp27~58(TSSCI)
2012Lu Hsiao, Ying-Ju Chen,Returns Policy and Quality Risk in E-Business,Production and Operations Management,21(3), pp489~503(SCI)
2012Huang, R-T., Jang, S-J., Machtmes, K., & Deggs, D., Investigating the roles of perceived playfulness, resistance to change, and self-management of learning in mobile English learning outcome(IF= 2.41).,British Journal of Educational Technology,43(6), pp1004~1015(SSCI)
2012王精文、范凱棠、廖述嘉,虛擬團隊中電子化領導替代可行性之驗證,資訊管理學報,19(2), pp217~248(TSSCI)
2012林金賢,黃瓊瑤,張瑞元,環境揭露與財務績效關聯性–盈餘管理之調節效果,輔仁管理評論,19(3), pp27~54(其他)
2012M. Khata Jabor, Krisanna Machtmes, Rui-Ting Huang,The Role ofAge and Gender in the Students’ Achievement in English.,2(11), pp34~44(其他)
2012Mingchang Chih and Wheyming T. Song,An efficient approach to implement dynamic batch means estimators in simulation output analysis,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers(TSSCI管理學學門第一級期刊),29(3), pp163~180(TSSCI)
2012張曼玲、吳萬益,Revisiting perceived risk in the context of online shopping: An alternative perspective of decision-making st<x>yles,Psychology & Marketing,29(5), pp378~400(SSCI)