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2021Liu, N., & Lin, Y.,High-performance work systems, management team flexibility, employee flexibility and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors,International Journal of Human Resource Management,32(18), pp3912-3949(SSCI)
2021Chiao, Yu-Ching, Lin, Chun-Chien, and Huang, Chun-Ju ,Competing and Cooperating Globally: How Firms’ Multimarket Contact Relates to Joint Price Elevation in Coopetition Networks," ,Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 【國科會管二學門評比學術期刊】,36(9), pp1678-1691(SSCI)
2021Ming-Chih Tsai, Rico Merkert, Mei-Ting Tsai*, and Shiau-Chi Lin,Towards a taxonomy-based preferred-customer model for suppliers in air cargo express service markets,Journal of Air Transport Management,90, pp101962(SSCI)
2021Rui-Ting Huang, Mohd Khata Jabor, Tzy-Wen Tang, and Sheng-Chun Chang,Examine the moderating role of mobile technology anxiety in mobile learning: a modified model of goal-directed behavior,Asia Pacific Education Review(SSCI)
2021唐資文、林谷合、曾為國、歐珏竹、姜韋伶,動盪環境下的國際化脈絡:國際創業導向與網絡關係對知識能力與國際化速度之影響 ,管理學報,38(1)(1), pp55-79(TSSCI)
2021Rui-Ting Huang, Chung-Long Yu, Tzy-Wen Tang, and Sheng-Chun Chang,A study of the use of mobile learning technology in Taiwan for language learning ,Innovations in Education and Teaching Internationa,58(1), pp59-71
2021喬友慶、張鈺臻、林鈞鏗,善盡企業社會責任的供應商,真的會讓零售商顧客滿意嗎?,管理學報【國科會管一學門推薦學術期刊】,38(4), pp533-561(TSSCI)
2021Hatak, I., Chang, Man-Ling, Harms, R., & Wiklund, J.,ADHD symptoms, entrepreneurial passion, and entrepreneurial success.,Small Business Economics,57(4), pp1693-1713(SSCI)
2021Moslehpour, M., Chang, Man-Ling, Pham, V.K.*, & Dadvari, A.,Adopting the configurational approach to the analysis of job satisfaction in Mongolia,European Research on Management and Business Economics(SSCI)
2021林金賢、顏素絹、徐曉頡,結合文字探勘與量化工具從線上留言挖掘旅館業者的競爭優勢,資訊管理學報,28(3), pp337 - 360(TSSCI)