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2004葉淑娟*、施智婷、莊智薰、蔡淑鳳 (2004), 社會支持系統與老人生活滿意度之關係-以高雄市老人為例, 中山管理評論【TSSCI,國科會推薦學術期刊】, 12(2), pp399-427
2003陳家彬、江惠櫻與賴怡洵,商業銀行對企業授信決策考量因素與授信品質之關係,管理評論,22(2), pp1~23(TSSCI)
2003陳家彬與陳文貞,銀行經營績效、關係人往來與逾期放款,台灣銀行季刊,54(2), pp21~46(其他)
2003陳家彬與賴怡洵,銀行往來關係和授信行為之研究,經濟論文,31(3), pp497~539(TSSCI)
2003王精文、洪瑞雲,創造性問題解決訓練對管理者問題解決過程的影響,交大管理學報,23(1), pp183~208(TSSCI)
2003劉漢榆,唐資文,從顧客關係管理的觀點探討銀行業發展電子商務的策略,管理與系統,10(1), pp23-40(TSSCI)
2003D. S. Zhu, C. T. Ho, T. W. Tang and S. F. Chen ,The Key Factors Leading to Success in the Internet Business--- A Study of Online Bookshops in Taiwan,Journal of Chinese Management Review,6(4), pp23-36
2003Chiu, Y.C., Shyu, J.Z., Tzeng, G.H.,Fuzzy MCDM for Evaluating E-commerce Strategy,International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,19(1), pp12~22(SCI)
2003林金賢、劉沂佩、鄭育書、陳育成,具學習性之模糊專家系統在財務危機上之應用,管理學報,21(3), pp291~309(TSSCI)
2003Huang, Ing-Chung, Chuang, Chih-Hsun*, & Lin, Hao-Chieh (2003), The role of burnout in the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and turnover intentions, Public Personnel Management【SSCI】, 32(4), pp519-531